Silvia, one of the women who attended our first meeting yesterday, invited us today to join her and her family to learn how to cook "Pepian," a typical Guatemalan dish. We'll share the recipe that they taught us, but in the meantime enjoy these shots from the day.

After shopping at the butcher and a couple of vegetable markets, we started the cooking in their outdoor kitchen, a shack in which they have a wood-burning stove. All of the surfaces on which they cook are black ceramic, handmade in another region of Guatemala.

The pepian sauce has chilies, tomatoes, and onions which are blended after being cooked on the wooden stove.
We also participated in making (or trying to make!) tortillas, which could be clearly identified as the not perfectly round ones during lunch.

This is what the final dish looks like - rice (with carrots and peppers), beef rib which was cooked in water for hours with cilantro, and a lot of the pepian sauce.

It was wonderful to spend the day with the three generations of this family - they were all so welcoming and really made us feel at home (we started at 10:30 am and left at 2:30pm!)

Cynthia, Your images are beautiful, particularly love the one of the hands makig tortillas in the foreground and the women over the stove in the background. I look forward to seeing you down there!
All the best to you all and look forward to the updates. And yes, fabulous images. Can we get a NS Collaborates cookbook going?
On the W139 entries:
Pascale can you tell us more about W139's celebration? What is the significance of a "track suit" for W139? Will each one be different? Can you expand? Or is it a something we have to wait and see in October.
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